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作家相片多多 王



1. Apple (蘋果)

   - Example: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.



2. Banana (香蕉)

   - Example: I like to put sliced bananas on my cereal.



3. Chicken (雞肉)

   - Example: Fried chicken is a popular dish in many countries.



4. Rice (米飯)

   - Example: I prefer brown rice over white rice for its health benefits.



5. Pizza (披薩)

   - Example: Let's order pizza for our movie night.



6. Bread (麵包)

   - Example: Freshly baked bread smells amazing.



7. Salad (沙拉)

   - Example: I'm having a Greek salad for lunch.



8. Fish (魚)

   - Example: Grilled fish with lemon is a light and tasty dish.



9. Pasta (義大利麵)

   - Example: Spaghetti with meatballs is a classic Italian dish.



10. Soup (湯)

    - Example: Chicken noodle soup is comforting when you're sick.



11. Egg (蛋)

    - Example: I like my eggs scrambled with cheese.



12. Steak (牛排)

    - Example: Medium rare steak is my favorite.



13. Cheese (起司)

    - Example: I love cheese on my pizza.



14. Carrot (胡蘿蔔)

    - Example: Carrots are good for your eyesight.



15. Milk (牛奶)

    - Example: I drink a glass of milk every morning.



16. Orange (柳橙)

    - Example: Freshly squeezed orange juice is refreshing.



17. Tomato (番茄)

    - Example: I use tomatoes in my homemade pasta sauce.



18. Potato (馬鈴薯)

    - Example: Mashed potatoes are a classic side dish.



19. Strawberry (草莓)

    - Example: I love strawberry ice cream in the summer.



20. Beef (牛肉)

    - Example: Beef stew is perfect for a cold winter day.



21. Pork (豬肉)

    - Example: I like barbecue pork ribs.



22. Ham (火腿)

    - Example: Ham sandwiches are great for picnics.



23. Lettuce (生菜)

    - Example: I always add lettuce to my sandwiches.



24. Onion (洋蔥)

    - Example: I sauté onions before adding them to soups.



25. Cucumber (黃瓜)

    - Example: Cucumber slices are refreshing in water.



26. Pineapple (鳳梨)

    - Example: Grilled pineapple is a delicious dessert.



27. Avocado (酪梨)

    - Example: I like avocado on toast with a sprinkle of salt.



28. Broccoli (花椰菜)

    - Example: Steamed broccoli is a healthy side dish.



29. Mushroom (蘑菇)

    - Example: I like mushroom soup with crusty bread.



30. Shrimp (蝦)

    - Example: Garlic butter shrimp is a quick and tasty dish.



31. Chocolate (巧克力)

    - Example: I indulge in chocolate cake on special occasions.



32. Cake (蛋糕)

    - Example: Birthday cake is a tradition in many cultures.





33. Ice cream (霜淇淋)

    - Example: I like to have ice cream with sprinkles.



34. Yogurt (優格)

    - Example: Greek yogurt with honey is my go-to snack.



35. Tofu (豆腐)

    - Example: I stir-fry tofu with vegetables for a quick meal.



36. Noodle (麵條)

    - Example: Ramen noodles are popular in Japan.



37. Sausage (香腸)

    - Example: I like to grill sausages on the barbecue.



38. Turkey (火雞肉)

    - Example: Thanksgiving dinner usually includes roasted turkey.



39. Bacon (培根)

    - Example: I enjoy crispy bacon with my breakfast eggs.



40. Corn (玉米)

    - Example: Grilled corn on the cob is a summer favorite.



41. Lemon (檸檬)

    - Example: I squeeze lemon juice over grilled fish.



42. Cherry (櫻桃)

    - Example: I like cherry pie with vanilla ice cream.



43. Pine nut (松子)

    - Example: Pine nuts add a nice crunch to salads.



44. Walnut (核桃)

    - Example: I like to sprinkle chopped walnuts on oatmeal.



45. Almond (杏仁)

    - Example: Almond milk is a popular dairy alternative.



46. Cashew (腰果)

    - Example: I snack on roasted cashews during work breaks.



47. Peanut (花生)

    - Example: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are a classic.



48. Hazelnut (榛果)

    - Example: Nutella is made from hazelnuts and chocolate.



49. Pistachio (開心果)

    - Example: I like pistachio ice cream for its unique flavor.



50. Coconut (椰子)

    - Example: Coconut water is hydrating and refreshing.



·       關於如何記憶這些單詞,有幾種方法可以嘗試:


1. 使用閃卡: 寫下每個食物的英文單詞和它的中文意思,然後在另一面寫下對應的例句。通過反復閱讀這些閃卡來加強記憶。


2. 創造聯想: 將英文單詞與具體的形象或場景聯繫起來,以便更容易記憶。例如,將"banana"與一根黃色的香蕉圖像聯繫起來。


3. 利用記憶宮殿法: 想像一個熟悉的地點,例如你家的各個房間,然後將每個食物與該地點的某個物體聯繫起來。當你想起該地點時,就會想起與之相關的食物單詞。


4. 多次重複: 多次重複學習是鞏固記憶的有效方法。通過反復閱讀食物單字清單、聽寫或測試自己來加深記憶。


5. 與實際應用結合: 在日常生活中儘量使用這些單詞,例如在功能表上選擇食物、與朋友討論飲食偏好或者在烹飪時使用。這樣可以讓記憶更加深刻和實用。


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