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1. **Christmas (聖誕節)**

- Example: We decorate the tree every Christmas.


2. **New Year (新年)**

- Example: We celebrate the New Year with fireworks.


3. **Easter (復活節)**

- Example: Easter eggs are hidden for children to find.


4. **Halloween (萬聖節)**

- Example: Halloween is celebrated with costumes and candy.


5. **Thanksgiving (感恩節)**

- Example: Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful and enjoy a big meal.


6. **Valentine's Day (情人節)**

- Example: Couples exchange gifts on Valentine's Day.


7. **Independence Day (獨立日)**

- Example: Independence Day is celebrated with parades and fireworks.


8. **Mother's Day (母親節)**

- Example: We give flowers to our mothers on Mother's Day.


9. **Father's Day (父親節)**

- Example: Father's Day is a day to honor fathers.


10. **Labor Day (勞動節)**

- Example: Labor Day celebrates the achievements of workers.


11. **St. Patrick's Day (聖帕特里克節)**

- Example: St. Patrick's Day is known for its green attire.


12. **Hanukkah (光明節)**

- Example: Hanukkah is celebrated with the lighting of the menorah.


13. **Diwali (排燈節)**

- Example: Diwali is the festival of lights in India.


14. **Ramadan (齋月)**

- Example: Ramadan is a month of fasting for Muslims.


15. **Chinese New Year (農曆新年)**

- Example: Chinese New Year is celebrated with dragon dances and fireworks.


16. **Mardi Gras (狂歡節)**

- Example: Mardi Gras is famous for its parades and masquerade balls.


17. **Oktoberfest (啤酒節)**

- Example: Oktoberfest is the world's largest beer festival held in Germany.


18. **Carnival (嘉年華)**

- Example: Carnival is celebrated with music, dance, and costumes.


19. **Bastille Day (巴士底日)**

- Example: Bastille Day is France's national day celebrated on July 14.


20. **Cinco de Mayo (五月五日節)**

- Example: Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Mexican victory over the French.


21. **Kwanzaa (非洲裔美國人節日)**

- Example: Kwanzaa is celebrated to honor African heritage.


22. **Veterans Day (退伍軍人節)**

- Example: Veterans Day honors those who have served in the military.


23. **Memorial Day (陣亡將士紀念日)**

- Example: Memorial Day is a day to remember fallen soldiers.


24. **Arbor Day (植樹節)**

- Example: Arbor Day encourages people to plant trees.


25. **Earth Day (地球日)**

- Example: Earth Day promotes environmental awareness.


26. **Groundhog Day (土撥鼠日)**

- Example: Groundhog Day is a quirky tradition in the United States.


27. **Rosh Hashanah (猶太新年)**

- Example: Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year.


28. **Yom Kippur (贖罪日)**

- Example: Yom Kippur is the holiest day in Judaism.


29. **Purim (普珥節)**

- Example: Purim is celebrated with costumes and feasts.


30. **Passover (逾越節)**

- Example: Passover commemorates the Israelites' exodus from Egypt.


31. **Eid al-Fitr (開齋節)**

- Example: Eid al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan.


32. **Eid al-Adha (宰牲節)**

- Example: Eid al-Adha commemorates the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son.


33. **Holi (胡里節)**

- Example: Holi is the festival of colors celebrated in India.


34. **Lantern Festival (元宵節)**

- Example: The Lantern Festival marks the end of Chinese New Year celebrations.


35. **Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋節)**

- Example: The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated with mooncakes and lanterns.


36. **Dragon Boat Festival (端午節)**

- Example: The Dragon Boat Festival commemorates the poet Qu Yuan.


37. **Harvest Festival (豐收節)**

- Example: The Harvest Festival is a time to give thanks for the crops.


38. **Day of the Dead (亡靈節)**

- Example: The Day of the Dead is celebrated in Mexico to honor deceased loved ones.


39. **Bonfire Night (篝火夜)**

- Example: Bonfire Night commemorates the foiling of the Gunpowder Plot.


40. **Epiphany (主顯節)**

- Example: Epiphany marks the visit of the Magi to the Christ child.


41. **Midsummer (仲夏節)**

- Example: Midsummer is celebrated with bonfires in Scandinavia.


42. **Shrove Tuesday (懺悔星期二)**

- Example: Shrove Tuesday is known for pancake races.


43. **All Saints' Day (諸聖節)**

- Example: All Saints' Day honors all saints, known and unknown.



44. **Guy Fawkes Night (蓋伊福克斯夜)**

- Example: Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated with fireworks and bonfires.


45. **Lunar New Year (農曆新年)**

- Example: Lunar New Year is celebrated by many Asian cultures.


46. **Palm Sunday (聖枝主日)**

- Example: Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus' entry into Jerusalem.


47. **Ascension Day (耶穌升天節)**

- Example: Ascension Day marks the ascent of Jesus into heaven.


48. **Pentecost (聖靈降臨節)**

- Example: Pentecost commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles.


49. **Whitsunday (聖靈降臨節)**

- Example: Whitsunday is another name for Pentecost.


50. **May Day (勞動節)**

- Example: May Day is celebrated with dances around the maypole.




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