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作家相片多多 王


1. **Rose (玫瑰)**

- Example: The rose bloomed beautifully in the garden.


2. **Tulip (鬱金香)**

- Example: Tulips are popular in spring gardens.


3. **Sunflower (向日葵)**

- Example: The sunflower turned towards the sun.


4. **Lily (百合)**

- Example: The lily has a lovely fragrance.


5. **Daisy (雛菊)**

- Example: She picked a daisy from the field.


6. **Orchid (蘭花)**

- Example: Orchids are delicate and beautiful.


7. **Lavender (薰衣草)**

- Example: The lavender fields in Provence are famous.


8. **Cherry Blossom (櫻花)**

- Example: The cherry blossoms in Japan are breathtaking.


9. **Daffodil (水仙)**

- Example: Daffodils signal the start of spring.


10. **Marigold (萬壽菊)**

- Example: Marigolds are often used in festivals.


11. **Carnation (康乃馨)**

- Example: She received a bouquet of carnations.


12. **Poppy (罌粟)**

- Example: Poppies are known for their vibrant colors.


13. **Violet (紫羅蘭)**

- Example: The violet is a symbol of modesty.


14. **Iris (鳶尾花)**

- Example: The iris blooms in a variety of colors.


15. **Hibiscus (木槿)**

- Example: Hibiscus tea is very refreshing.


16. **Jasmine (茉莉)**

- Example: Jasmine flowers are used to make perfume.


17. **Magnolia (木蘭)**

- Example: Magnolia trees have large, fragrant flowers.


18. **Peony (牡丹)**

- Example: Peonies are often seen in traditional Chinese paintings.


19. **Lotus (蓮花)**

- Example: The lotus is a symbol of purity in many cultures.


20. **Cactus (仙人掌)**

- Example: Cacti can survive in arid environments.


21. **Bamboo (竹子)**

- Example: Bamboo is a versatile plant used in many products.


22. **Fern (蕨類)**

- Example: Ferns thrive in shady, moist areas.


23. **Pine (松樹)**

- Example: Pine trees are commonly used as Christmas trees.


24. **Oak (橡樹)**

- Example: The oak tree is a symbol of strength.


25. **Maple (楓樹)**

- Example: Maple leaves turn bright red in autumn.


26. **Willow (柳樹)**

- Example: The willow tree's branches droop gracefully.


27. **Birch (樺樹)**

- Example: Birch trees have distinctive white bark.


28. **Aspen (白楊)**

- Example: Aspen trees are known for their trembling leaves.


29. **Cedar (雪松)**

- Example: Cedar wood is often used in furniture making.


30. **Palm (棕櫚)**

- Example: Palm trees are iconic in tropical regions.


31. **Eucalyptus (尤加利)**

- Example: Eucalyptus leaves are the main diet of koalas.


32. **Sequoia (紅杉)**

- Example: Sequoias are some of the tallest trees in the world.


33. **Redwood (紅木)**

- Example: Redwood forests are found in California.


34. **Aloe Vera (蘆薈)**

- Example: Aloe vera is often used in skincare products.


35. **Mint (薄荷)**

- Example: Mint leaves are used to flavor food and drinks.


36. **Basil (羅勒)**

- Example: Basil is a key ingredient in pesto.


37. **Rosemary (迷迭香)**

- Example: Rosemary is often used in cooking for its aromatic flavor.


38. **Thyme (百里香)**

- Example: Thyme adds a subtle flavor to dishes.


39. **Sage (鼠尾草)**

- Example: Sage is used in many traditional medicines.


40. **Oregano (牛至)**

- Example: Oregano is commonly used in Italian cuisine.


41. **Parsley (香菜)**

- Example: Parsley is often used as a garnish.


42. **Cilantro (香菜)**

- Example: Cilantro is a common ingredient in Mexican dishes.


43. **Chamomile (洋甘菊)**

- Example: Chamomile tea is known for its calming effects.


44. **Lavender (薰衣草)**

- Example: Lavender is used in aromatherapy.


45. **Ginseng (人參)**

- Example: Ginseng is a popular herbal remedy.


46. **Ginger (薑)**

- Example: Ginger is used in both cooking and medicine.


47. **Turmeric (薑黃)**

- Example: Turmeric gives curry its yellow color.


48. **Peppermint (薄荷)**

- Example: Peppermint is used in candies and teas.


49. **Saffron (藏紅花)**

- Example: Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world.


50. **Vanilla (香草)**

- Example: Vanilla is commonly used in desserts.






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