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作家相片多多 王


1. **Biology (生物學)**

- Example: She is majoring in Biology.


2. **Chemistry (化學)**

- Example: Chemistry experiments can be very exciting.


3. **Physics (物理學)**

- Example: Physics explains the laws of nature.


4. **Mathematics (數學)**

- Example: He excels in Mathematics.


5. **Computer Science (計算機科學)**

- Example: Computer Science is a rapidly growing field.


6. **Engineering (工程學)**

- Example: Engineering projects can be very challenging.


7. **Medicine (醫學)**

- Example: She is studying Medicine to become a doctor.


8. **Nursing (護理學)**

- Example: Nursing requires a lot of compassion and patience.


9. **Psychology (心理學)**

- Example: Psychology helps us understand human behavior.


10. **Sociology (社會學)**

- Example: Sociology examines how societies function.


11. **Political Science (政治學)**

- Example: Political Science explores the structure of governments.


12. **Economics (經濟學)**

- Example: Economics deals with the production and consumption of goods.


13. **History (歷史學)**

- Example: History provides insights into past events.


14. **Geography (地理學)**

- Example: Geography studies the Earth's landscapes and environments.


15. **Anthropology (人類學)**

- Example: Anthropology explores human cultures and societies.


16. **Philosophy (哲學)**

- Example: Philosophy involves the study of fundamental questions about existence.


17. **Literature (文學)**

- Example: Literature includes the study of written works.


18. **Linguistics (語言學)**

- Example: Linguistics analyzes the structure of languages.


19. **Education (教育學)**

- Example: Education focuses on teaching and learning methods.


20. **Law (法律)**

- Example: Law students learn about the legal system.


21. **Business (商業)**

- Example: Business studies include finance, marketing, and management.


22. **Accounting (會計學)**

- Example: Accounting involves managing financial records.


23. **Finance (金融學)**

- Example: Finance deals with investments and capital management.


24. **Marketing (市場學)**

- Example: Marketing strategies are essential for business success.


25. **Management (管理學)**

- Example: Management studies teach leadership and organizational skills.


26. **Information Technology (資訊技術)**

- Example: Information Technology is crucial in the digital age.


27. **Environmental Science (環境科學)**

- Example: Environmental Science focuses on protecting natural resources.


28. **Journalism (新聞學)**

- Example: Journalism involves reporting and writing news stories.


29. **Communications (傳播學)**

- Example: Communications studies how information is conveyed.


30. **Fine Arts (美術)**

- Example: Fine Arts includes painting, sculpture, and other visual arts.


31. **Music (音樂)**

- Example: Music students learn to play instruments and compose.


32. **Theater (戲劇)**

- Example: Theater studies involve acting and stage production.


33. **Dance (舞蹈)**

- Example: Dance majors practice various forms of dance.


34. **Film Studies (電影學)**

- Example: Film Studies explores the history and theory of cinema.


35. **Architecture (建築學)**

- Example: Architecture combines art and engineering.


36. **Urban Planning (都市規劃)**

- Example: Urban Planning focuses on the development of cities.


37. **Graphic Design (平面設計)**

- Example: Graphic Design involves creating visual content.


38. **Interior Design (室內設計)**

- Example: Interior Design focuses on designing indoor spaces.


39. **Fashion Design (時裝設計)**

- Example: Fashion Design involves creating clothing and accessories.


40. **Culinary Arts (烹飪藝術)**

- Example: Culinary Arts students learn to cook gourmet meals.


41. **Hospitality Management (酒店管理)**

- Example: Hospitality Management covers hotel and restaurant operations.


42. **Sports Science (運動科學)**

- Example: Sports Science studies the principles of physical activity.


43. **Kinesiology (運動學)**

- Example: Kinesiology examines human movement and exercise.


44. **Public Health (公共衛生)**

- Example: Public Health focuses on improving community health.


45. **Social Work (社會工作)**

- Example: Social Work involves helping individuals and communities.


46. **Veterinary Medicine (獸醫學)**

- Example: Veterinary Medicine is the study of animal health.


47. **Dentistry (牙醫學)**

- Example: Dentistry focuses on oral health and treatments.


48. **Pharmacy (藥學)**

- Example: Pharmacy studies involve the preparation and dispensing of drugs.


49. **Optometry (驗光學)**

- Example: Optometry focuses on eye care and vision correction.


50. **Forestry (林學)**

- Example: Forestry involves the management of forest resources.




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