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50 個常見的國家英文單字


1. **Australia (澳大利亞)**

- Example: Australia is famous for its diverse wildlife.


2. **Brazil (巴西)**

- Example: Brazil is known for its vibrant Carnival festival.


3. **Canada (加拿大)**

- Example: Canada is home to many beautiful national parks.


4. **China (中國)**

- Example: The Great Wall of China is one of the world's wonders.


5. **Denmark (丹麥)**

- Example: Denmark consistently ranks high in quality of life.


6. **Egypt (埃及)**

- Example: Egypt is famous for its ancient pyramids.


7. **France (法國)**

- Example: France is known for its cuisine and fashion.


8. **Germany (德國)**

- Example: Germany is a leader in automotive engineering.


9. **India (印度)**

- Example: India is known for its rich cultural heritage.


10. **Italy (義大利)**

- Example: Italy is renowned for its art, history, and cuisine.


11. **Japan (日本)**

- Example: Japan is famous for its technology and cherry blossoms.


12. **Kenya (肯尼亞)**

- Example: Kenya is known for its stunning safaris.


13. **Mexico (墨西哥)**

- Example: Mexico is famous for its vibrant culture and cuisine.


14. **Netherlands (荷蘭)**

- Example: The Netherlands is famous for its windmills and tulips.


15. **New Zealand (紐西蘭)**

- Example: New Zealand is known for its breathtaking landscapes.


16. **Nigeria (奈及利亞)**

- Example: Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa.


17. **Norway (挪威)**

- Example: Norway is famous for its fjords.


18. **Russia (俄羅斯)**

- Example: Russia is the largest country in the world.


19. **Saudi Arabia (沙烏地阿拉伯)**

- Example: Saudi Arabia is known for its oil reserves.


20. **South Africa (南非)**

- Example: South Africa is known for its diverse wildlife.


21. **South Korea (南韓)**

- Example: South Korea is famous for its technology and pop culture.


22. **Spain (西班牙)**

- Example: Spain is known for its vibrant festivals and flamenco dance.


23. **Sweden (瑞典)**

- Example: Sweden is famous for its high standard of living.


24. **Switzerland (瑞士)**

- Example: Switzerland is known for its neutrality and banking.


25. **Thailand (泰國)**

- Example: Thailand is famous for its beautiful beaches and temples.


26. **Turkey (土耳其)**

- Example: Turkey is a country that bridges Europe and Asia.


27. **United Kingdom (英國)**

- Example: The United Kingdom is known for its royal family.


28. **United States (美國)**

- Example: The United States is known for its cultural diversity.


29. **Vietnam (越南)**

- Example: Vietnam is famous for its cuisine and historical sites.


30. **Argentina (阿根廷)**

- Example: Argentina is known for its tango music and dance.


31. **Belgium (比利時)**

- Example: Belgium is famous for its chocolate and beer.


32. **Chile (智利)**

- Example: Chile is known for its long coastline and wine production.


33. **Colombia (哥倫比亞)**

- Example: Colombia is famous for its coffee and emeralds.


34. **Cuba (古巴)**

- Example: Cuba is known for its cigars and vibrant music scene.


35. **Finland (芬蘭)**

- Example: Finland is famous for its education system.


36. **Greece (希臘)**

- Example: Greece is known for its ancient ruins and mythology.


37. **Iceland (冰島)**

- Example: Iceland is famous for its geothermal hot springs.


38. **Indonesia (印尼)**

- Example: Indonesia is known for its thousands of islands.


39. **Ireland (愛爾蘭)**

- Example: Ireland is famous for its green landscapes and castles.


40. **Israel (以色列)**

- Example: Israel is known for its historical and religious significance.


41. **Jamaica (牙買加)**

- Example: Jamaica is famous for its reggae music.


42. **Malaysia (馬來西亞)**

- Example: Malaysia is known for its diverse culture and cuisine.


43. **Morocco (摩洛哥)**

- Example: Morocco is famous for its markets and cuisine.


44. **Peru (秘魯)**

- Example: Peru is known for Machu Picchu and its ancient civilization.


45. **Philippines (菲律賓)**

- Example: The Philippines is famous for its beautiful beaches.


46. **Portugal (葡萄牙)**

- Example: Portugal is known for its port wine and historic architecture.


47. **Qatar (卡達)**

- Example: Qatar is known for its wealth and modern architecture.


48. **Singapore (新加坡)**

- Example: Singapore is famous for its cleanliness and efficiency.


49. **Sri Lanka (斯里蘭卡)**

- Example: Sri Lanka is known for its tea plantations and beaches.


50. **Swaziland(史瓦帝尼帝王國)**

- Example: Swaziland is one of the last remaining absolute monarchies.




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