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作家相片多多 王


1. **Dog (狗)**

- Example: The dog barked loudly.


2. **Cat (貓)**

- Example: The cat is sleeping on the couch.


3. **Bird (鳥)**

- Example: The bird sang a beautiful song.


4. **Fish (魚)**

- Example: She has a goldfish as a pet.


5. **Horse (馬)**

- Example: The horse galloped across the field.


6. **Cow (牛)**

- Example: The cow is grazing in the meadow.


7. **Sheep (羊)**

- Example: The sheep were gathered in the pen.


8. **Pig (豬)**

- Example: The pig rolled in the mud.


9. **Chicken (雞)**

- Example: The chicken laid an egg.


10. **Duck (鴨)**

- Example: The duck swam in the pond.


11. **Goat (山羊)**

- Example: The goat climbed the rocky hill.


12. **Rabbit (兔子)**

- Example: The rabbit nibbled on the carrot.


13. **Elephant (大象)**

- Example: The elephant sprayed water with its trunk.


14. **Lion (獅子)**

- Example: The lion roared in the zoo.


15. **Tiger (老虎)**

- Example: The tiger prowled through the jungle.


16. **Bear (熊)**

- Example: The bear caught a fish in the river.


17. **Giraffe (長頸鹿)**

- Example: The giraffe ate leaves from the tall tree.


18. **Kangaroo (袋鼠)**

- Example: The kangaroo hopped across the plains.


19. **Panda (熊貓)**

- Example: The panda chewed on bamboo.


20. **Zebra (斑馬)**

- Example: The zebra's stripes were striking.


21. **Monkey (猴子)**

- Example: The monkey swung from tree to tree.


22. **Crocodile (鱷魚)**

- Example: The crocodile basked in the sun.


23. **Snake (蛇)**

- Example: The snake slithered through the grass.


24. **Frog (青蛙)**

- Example: The frog jumped into the pond.


25. **Turtle (龜)**

- Example: The turtle moved slowly on land.


26. **Fox (狐狸)**

- Example: The fox hunted for food at night.


27. **Wolf (狼)**

- Example: The wolf howled at the moon.


28. **Deer (鹿)**

- Example: The deer grazed in the forest clearing.


29. **Bat (蝙蝠)**

- Example: The bat flew out of the cave at dusk.


30. **Owl (貓頭鷹)**

- Example: The owl hooted in the night.


31. **Eagle (老鷹)**

- Example: The eagle soared high above the mountains.


32. **Peacock (孔雀)**

- Example: The peacock displayed its colorful feathers.


33. **Penguin (企鵝)**

- Example: The penguin waddled across the ice.


34. **Whale (鯨魚)**

- Example: The whale breached the surface of the ocean.


35. **Dolphin (海豚)**

- Example: The dolphin leaped out of the water.


36. **Shark (鯊魚)**

- Example: The shark swam swiftly through the sea.


37. **Octopus (章魚)**

- Example: The octopus hid in a crevice.


38. **Lobster (龍蝦)**

- Example: The lobster crawled along the ocean floor.


39. **Crab (螃蟹)**

- Example: The crab scuttled sideways on the beach.


40. **Jellyfish (水母)**

- Example: The jellyfish drifted in the current.


41. **Seahorse (海馬)**

- Example: The seahorse clung to the seaweed.


42. **Starfish (海星)**

- Example: The starfish lay on the ocean floor.


43. **Squid (魷魚)**

- Example: The squid shot ink when threatened.


44. **Butterfly (蝴蝶)**

- Example: The butterfly fluttered around the flowers.


45. **Bee (蜜蜂)**

- Example: The bee collected nectar from the blossoms.


46. **Ant (螞蟻)**

- Example: The ant carried a crumb to its nest.


47. **Spider (蜘蛛)**

- Example: The spider spun a web in the corner.


48. **Ladybug (瓢蟲)**

- Example: The ladybug crawled on the leaf.


49. **Dragonfly (蜻蜓)**

- Example: The dragonfly hovered over the pond.


50. **Grasshopper (蚱蜢)**

- Example: The grasshopper leaped through the grass.




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